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All About Me

My Journey

My name is Sandy. 
I am a mother of 2 earth side and 2  angels.
I was drawn further into my Spirituality after losing my babies and learning grief, acceptance and peace within.
Through my learnings I have developed a loving and light filled life that honours my beliefs.
I am a self development mentor and holistic wellness practitioner.
I offer support in soul searching and finding your inner truth, as well as energy healings, womb healings and home healings.
My goal is to help build authentic role models for future generations.
I am here to trust, love and be in my truth. To use my connection with myself and other to inspire you to do the same.
I am here to nurture you to trust, feel and be in your truth by connecting with me.
I am doing this with fun light and ease. I want you to feel what I feel, to give you a sense of completeness.

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